May 16, 2007
Changed my lay-out! More appropriate, don't you think? Anyway, I deleted a couple of pages since I couldn't
edit them anymore.
I've also created a new guestbook, and edited some links.
July 20, 2004
Well, I changed my lay-out again! I like the colour-scheme, don't you? :)
May 7, 2004
New lay-out! I like this better than the previous one. Let me know what you think!
May 3, 2004
I changed the look of my website. Don't know if I'll stick to it, just don't have the time to work on it though.
I changed a couple of pictures under "Singin' Achau", added a few links, and changed some oddities here and there. Let
me know what you think. Sign the guestbook! :-)
Oh, I also added a link to my online journal on the opening page. Go and check it out!
June 13, 2003
Added a link to my Yahoo! photos.
May 30, 2003
Added a link to more photos. Modified my Profile page.
December 23, 2002
Added a link to my online diary. Modified my Profile page.
December 20, 2002
Just added a few more pics from the Rockapella show we went to (I think we've been to all the shows here in SoCal, good
gracious! lol) this past October.
November 19, 2002
Added more photos. Added a little flare to the old ones. Modified the links page.
January 21, 2002
Well, I added a "Favorites" page, but now I took it down because I want to improve on it and
make it look interesting. And besides, i don't even know what I want to put on that page, so it'll be temporarily down until
I've figured out how I want it set up.
January 20, 2002
Just added a new page called "Favorites." Still
working on it, will be adding more stuff soon. Just keep checking site. Will also work on my "New York" page. Will put pics
from my recent trip to NYC and those that I took of "ground zero." It was completely surreal and quite a sobering experience.
January 6, 2002
I updated the Links page. Nothing spectacular, still working on it though. Keep checking
this site in the next couple of weeks.
December 28, 2001
Well, the BIG move back to Toronto has been put on hold, indefinitely (God has other plans, I guess, LOL). However, I am
going back to school in January, whoo-hoo! Praise God!